Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How will the new Detroit City Council/Mayor use 2011?

This is a rare opportunity to field creative ideas that can translate into a renaissance locally and possibly even generate some revenue. However, if the current Detroit City Council will not undertake any bold new initiatives they have let us all down. The citizens of Detroit are starving for "real" leadership-they believe they are being nourished by a change in the Detroit City Managers or Political Leaders only to discover that what they thought was a wholesome work group are merely a pack of deleterious men and women holding offices of sinecure: not yielding any net jobs, revenue or improved social standing for the citizenry of this great city we call Detroit, Michigan.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Insurers can use credit score to determine auto insurance rates

WTF!~!@#$%^&*( What bright light bulbs on the bench believe a credit score is germane to your driving record? They seem to be leaving the door open to consider the credit scroe for other aberrations of economic justice. Appeal... Appeal ...Appeal ...Michigan court: Insurers can use credit scores
Lansing -- The Michigan Supreme Court ruled Thursday that insurance companies can consider credit scores when setting auto premiums.

Candidates in the 5th House District offer no real substantive websites!

Canddiates without websites are not in keeping with the ways in which a growing constituency demand access to their representative. Snail mail takes to long, and there is no written record via a phone call-that's if you get through. Many candidates in the fifth Michigan House District don't have websites nor do they in... most other district races-yet they say they want to represent the people and give them access to their deliberations and doings. Social media places one in direct contact and not having a website to me is a tell tell sign of what kind of bedside manners you will have in office.

Kilpatrick failed to get a plurality of the votes in 2008 and statistically will falter in 2010 delivering Hansen Clarke just that-a plurality of the votes as a signal to her failed leadership.See MoreU.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick faces tough race in 13th District | | Detroit Free Pre
Have two years dampened the anti-Kwame Kilpatrick sentiment toward the former Detroit mayor's mom, U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick?

Charles Pugh "Let city run schools?"

Pugh has got to be joking-right??! He cannot get his own department in line with best practices nationally-last I check the President of the Coucnil was the Administrator of the group? He cannot seem to get the the grass cut and he wants to take on that behemouth of a task of managing the Detroit School with no experis...e in the field: Everything is not a sound bite. The man has failed to report an accident in which he destroyed city property in a timely fashion and he is calling for City of Detroit ran schools when we are so far under debt we cannot see air! 37 Departments and agencies( and the State has only 23)-no audit-Pugh could call for an audit but has not and will not but wants to take over the schools! urggggghhhhhh~!@#$%^&*()

Rochelle Riley: Charles Pugh: Let city, not mayor run schools | | Detroit Free Press
Detroit City Council President Charles Pugh said that the mayor of Detroit should oversee the Detroit Public Schools -- but not the current mayor. And not by himself.

Obama will visit Holland, MI battery plant

Detroit needs to suppy battery plants with key parts that are not being made Vertically by the same plant. If Michigan State University would acquire the old Highland Park Community College and adjacent properties it could open a specialty campus that specializes in renewable energy technology and then help to transfer... the technology into a real world application in the form of new start ups that could take root in Highland Park's Oakland corridor. American Axle could do a joint venture since auto suppliers are trying to horizontally integrate new green technology into its operations by way of venture capital.

Obama will visit Holland battery plant Thursday | | Detroit Free Press
Holland's mayor says he expects the president will tour the LG Chem factory during his visit.

A Better Lesson Plan for Parents

I agree with Kathy Yanich of Rochester Hills on the necessity of Libraries. How do we expect kids to do their homework in Highland Park whose library has been closed for nearly ten years!!!! In a title I school district? Also, I concurr with Patrick Pierce of Clinton Township who didactically admonishes Parents to encourage and direct their children to be more studious. His examples of mastering the multiplication tables and to learn to read more (practice makes perfect).

A better lesson plan for parents, teachers | | Detroit Free Press
In response to your July 8 article 'DPS tries something new: A school run by teachers': At last -- a school run by teachers with guaranteed parental input. Who, other than the teachers and the parents, knows what is best for students?

30,000 Signatures versus 70,000 who said NO!

The Power is in the People: if so then the People have already spoken. I am not impressed with 30,000 signatures when twice as many Detroiters have already said Flat-out "NO" when asked this same question, by ballot, less than four years ago!

Detroit council told to put school control issue on ballot | | Detroit Free Press
Detroit City Council members said Monday that they need more information about how mayoral oversight of Detroit Public Schools would operate before putting the issue on the November ballot. Change for Better Schools has collected 30,704 signatures supporting mayoral oversight and is to present the p...