Thursday, July 22, 2010

Candidates in the 5th House District offer no real substantive websites!

Canddiates without websites are not in keeping with the ways in which a growing constituency demand access to their representative. Snail mail takes to long, and there is no written record via a phone call-that's if you get through. Many candidates in the fifth Michigan House District don't have websites nor do they in... most other district races-yet they say they want to represent the people and give them access to their deliberations and doings. Social media places one in direct contact and not having a website to me is a tell tell sign of what kind of bedside manners you will have in office.

Kilpatrick failed to get a plurality of the votes in 2008 and statistically will falter in 2010 delivering Hansen Clarke just that-a plurality of the votes as a signal to her failed leadership.See MoreU.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick faces tough race in 13th District | | Detroit Free Pre
Have two years dampened the anti-Kwame Kilpatrick sentiment toward the former Detroit mayor's mom, U.S. Rep. Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick?

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