Monday, March 1, 2010

Bouchard: Unoriginal

Bouchard's plan to focus on Michigan companies is nothing new-a governor should focus on Michigan companies-what would be the opposite-focusing on Ohio companies? Redoing the MEGA grant process might need to be overhauled and if regulations don't put the public at risk why not do that as well. But Bouchard lacks specificitiy. I have spoken to redistributing commercial property that the State, Counties or cities own and place them in the hands of Entrepreneurs. My CPR programme: Commercial Property Re-distribution is designed to complement the POTUS' small business capital tax reduction.

Michigan already has provisions to give credits for hiring those on State food-stamps, or on AFDC. Why aren't companies being held to answer for getting tax credits for supposedly hiring Detroiters in particular by the City Council's largess and fail to hire those citizens but reep the credit.

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