Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Detroit Needs either An All Department Audit or an EFM!

If a forensic audit can be dirven by a $19,000.00 shortfall in the upscale community of St. Claire Shores, why come the City of Detroit with a 280M deficit, with Administrators being carted off to jail for defalcation and other malfeasance and others pending FBI prosecution has not been a catalyst to prompting a through Foresnic Audit.

How can Detroit brook asking for one iota of money further from Municipal Bond deals or from the gratuity of the feds when their books are so "RED." You would think that an all out Audit would save the need of an Emergency Financial Manager but in the likelihood that an Audit has not been ordered nor is on the horizon, it makes sense for whoever the Executive of this State is coming in, to do just that-appoint an Emergeny Financial Manager which is better than filing Bankruptcy!

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