Tuesday, March 30, 2010

From the Motor City to the Electric City?

Detroit should become Electric city. The Detroit City Council, the Mayor's office, the Detroit delegation in Lansing and D.C. should work to "aggressively" attract new car producers or Domestics to expand its production of electric vehicles in the "motor city."

In about 25 years all cars made, and trucks-conceiveably will be Electric Powered. Detroit should seek to tranfer by emminent domain or through direct transfer of industrial space like the Old Packard Plant in the Russell Industrial Complex to firms like Tesla Motors or Nissan or even GM to hire Detroiters! Forget the property taxes, mandate that workers live in Detroit!

Deroiters have given GM Tens of millions in concessions on taxes but has not seen a commitment to hire Detroiters in manufacturing jobs.

Detroit has no silver and gold, but what it does have it could offer liberally-land, vacant industrial land!

I would want to spear head an advisory in Lansing that would identify tracks of land to be either transferred from the State or that the State could emminent domain to a venture between WSU and the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor for the exclusive development of a "Drs. Park" that would employ knowledge workers for the creation of products aimed at the life sciences and Green technology renewable energy sectors.


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