Monday, March 1, 2010

Ford posts $2.7B in profit for 2009

I wonder if the brainiacs on the Detroit Pension Boards are paying attention to a solid investment in their own backyard? They are so busy giving money away to "NorthPointe" the crooks who were in caluminy with the masters of mayhem. Ford Motors is a solid investment that shows sound fundamentals, but is being overlooked while the stock climbs from 2.00 a share to near twenty! Talking about making up for some lost ground. The Pension Boards have lost nearly 100million-ya think they would be trying to make a move on large blocks of Ford Stock and buying Ford electric vehicles for city cars to help drive the technology locally and the stock price higher? ya think! I guess they don't! (ATTENTION: SAUNTEEL JENKINS AND BRENDA JONES RECENT APPOINTEES TO THE PENSION BOARDS)$2.7B-profit-for-2009--expects-to-make-money-this-year-as-well

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