Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Kilpatrick as Humpty! His supporters: the King's men.

And all the Kings men could put Humpty back together again! It seems that the wall has come crumbling down around Mr. Kilpatrick. I have always tried to be objective and critical of our fomer Mayor. For example, some residents wrote in using profanity in the Detroit News or called he and his mother sobriquets that were... distasteful. But I have been more than critical as a citizen and candidate for Detroit City Council. This story clearly alleges that Bernard Kilpatrick acted in many ways as Sam Riddle did. It begs the question did Riddle attend the Bernard Kilpatrick School of defalcation, malefeasance, and unethical governance. It seems both are Graduate of the programme and have reached doctoral levels-for they both can write a book on how to scam from the government and can take the theoretical aspects of how to swindle the taxpayers to a new level of praxis: putting theory into practice if they are proved guilty. The question remains everyone who is proven innocent in a court of law is not true innocent. Think about the countless number of individuals freed for lynching Blacks! I surmise that if they are exonerated and if they really did do it-well-they just lynched JUSTICE!

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