Monday, March 8, 2010

Who will be the Next Michigan Governor?

The question has been posed to Andy Dillion how he can get the gubenatorial nod if he is having trouble with the Organized Labor money. I would have answered that I support labor but the kind of labor that wants management to make better decisions. If management makes the sacrafice that should get the respect of Organized Labor and it does not, then Organized Labor needs to ask is it doing what's best for Michigan. We need to be more critical of management and I agree with labor in that instant: is what Burgess would have said.

Also, The state of Michigan has Millions of voters and all of them are not labor. Andy needs to say what he thinks about Detroit as the key to turning around the State: that Detroit needs an Emergency Financial Manager and when the city can be turned around in about two years and have it books in order along with Wayne County-they the State will be in a better position when its largest County and City both are on a more solid footing for job creation and revitalizing an ailing economy with entrepreneurial stimulus from all sectors of government not just the Feds!

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