Wednesday, March 24, 2010

You Go Lead! March 26th 2010 @ UMD

"The Mission of the Institute for Local Government at the University of Michigan-Dearborn is to increase the capacity of locally-elected officials to govern effectively and address local needs with a regional perspective." Although the email message said ideally it is looking for folks 35 to 18 to attend this informational (you have to be 18 to run for office), it is not imposing an age limit restriction-meaning you can still come if you are over 35 like me! LOL Lordy Lordy, I am a tad bit over 40~

I think anyone interested in leading in Lansing or Downtown Detroit at the City or County levels should attend. I am doing my part to pass on the information-unilike some folks who go to such forums and do nothing to share information.

In the end, I think Dr. Dale Thompson and his organization can help serious candidates seeking to add to their knowledge base.

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