Wednesday, July 7, 2010

AARP: The Great Debates

What Steps can and should Michigan take to prserve essential safety net services in the midst of this budget crisis?

The Legislature could prioritize based on a MDM baseline: Increase Higher Education/Community College funding and drecrease funding in PUblic Safety: the ending sounds counter productive but when I say Public Safety I am talking about re-assessing the Department of Corrections budget.
2. What revision of Michigan's business tax structure can help resolve the State's structural and cyclical budget crisis?

I believe lowering the Business tax to a single digit from a double digit is the right getsture to current businesses and emerging producers.
3. How will you address yet another nearly $2 Billion budget deficit, requiring a revenue solution that involves business, sales and income taxes and that preserves efficiencies in current spending that do not harm our safety net programs?

Being more frugal and even tying outcomes to funding to ensure a proper ROI

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