Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Archer-Now Bing Supports Dillion: But The Citizens have disagreed

Archer backs Dillion who says he would not have voted for Barack H.Obama's healthcare plan: Hmmmm? Archer does not back the 13th or 14th Congressional choice of Bernero: Hmmm? I believe Archer, Dennis W. is out of touch with the pulse of the community. BTW, Mr. Archer what is the Dillon Urban Plan? He states in this ar...ticle you gave him the endorsement because of his urban plan-what is it about Dillion's urban plan that is worthy of rejecting the party's choice, who backed you. Granted I differ on some issues, but not the issue of the next gubenatorial office holder in the 26th State of the Union. Vote Bernero for Governor of Michigan in 2010

Archer endorses Dillon for governor | | Detroit Free Press
Saying Michigans next governor needs to be a bridge builder, former Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer endorsed Democrat Andy Dillon for governor this morning.

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