Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tough Leadership Needed in Lansing, Michigan

I agree that the State is a symbiotic state of "lassitude" due to ineptness on the part of the "paymasters" who influence bad governance. I agree with a multi-year budget. I even like a UniCarmeral Legsilature and reducing the number of politicians from 148 to 74. I especially support increasing funding in safety net ...programs like HIgher Education and Community College funding. Lastly I think the Department of Correction can be merged with the State Police and operational changes could be made in the MDOCs to encourage rehabilitation of those with release dates of 5 to 7 years by encouraging them to pursue a community college credential and early release of non-violent offenders as well as outsourcing non-core services at the Prison. Daniel Howe is right on this one!

It's simple: Same old, same old in Lansing, or tough leadership

The choice really is simple: Michigan can opt for a would-be governor and legislators who recognize the dysfunction and move systematically to correct it, or they'll get more of the same. That would deliver more decline in population, property values, personal income, educational attainment and jobs...

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