Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How to improve the Detroit Public Schools

P.ublic E.ntrepreneurship R.e-inventing F.ailed E.ducation C.enters,

The Principals would be given charge of their per student allocation with budget responsibility.

Meaning, they can go with another food service contract, another maintenance and grounds contract, another security contract and hire, fire, and advertise for hiring who they want--as long as they keep the Board and the Superintendent informed about plans, forecasting, and budgeted items afore mentioned.

If the building had a 1,000 students and if the per pupil allocation is $8,000 per pupil the budget would be 8million.

This will empower the Principal not eviscerate them!

Then, if the school continues to fail the Principal rightly can be let go. But to execute a Principal when they are sinecures and de jure administrators is well a formula for what we have in Detroit and why we finished dead last on Math Scores for the 4th Graders. Instead of finishing at the top like the International Academy in Bloomfield Hills, MI.

In my PERFEC system schools look like Charters, walk like Charters, but are not CHARTERS. No one is trying to break a Union up....the idea is "Public Entrepreneurship" as espoused by David Osbrone in his eponymous book "Reinventing Government."

1 comment:

  1. Bloomfield Hills International Academy is the beacon of greatness and sets the benchmark for how schools should be in the entire state of Michigan while the Detroit Public Schools is the skid row of the Cass Corridor of schools on Math scores for 4th graders. Shameful. I agree with Burgess Foster about a new system for the Detroit Public schools so that way we can really evaluate how the principals are doing at schools.
