Wednesday, December 16, 2009

no more WHITE lies: the truth of color

The link below discusses the recent Census Bureau bomb shell that Whites will become a minority in the USA a little later than expected due to non-stimulus dollars: of course we have thrown everything at this wailing economy-except leveraging our strengths-our diversity.

Sure, WHITES have been a minority in the global population for centuries. But the white lies we (The USA) have told ourselves-namely-the minorities that are here now-that WHITE supremacy is well-supreme has been a lie the whole while. Sort of like scaring the be-jesus out of slaves-if they only knew they were in the majority the whole while on most slave plantations.

See, what the USA needs is to start relishing in its diversity. Diversity needs to be the linchpin in our economic recovery-the poorest are getting poorer-so to speak. Ergo, reverse the trend among the poor: If the POTUS, Barack H. Obama's job creation plan which involves getting more financing for start up and re-starts from Banks can be targeted towards Demographics holes, we can resurface-figuratively and literally.

Some will try and call this a quota-it is not. What is wrong with reflecting the society in which you are participle of, in the way your organization is designed-from a HR stand point or, from a governance stand point.

Yes, the numbers educationally are startling in the disparity and gaps in technology, digital dominance and yes, micro-economically between the future minority and the current minority. But surely there are some talented and educated Hispanic Americans and Asian Americans and African Americans that can own an AppleBees in Detroit or an Olive Garden in Detroit or a Ruby Tuesday in Detroit or a Golden Corral in Detroit or CostCos in Detroit or a Wal Mart in Detroit ... supply the pent up demand for these goods and services while providing a modicum of jobs-part time or full time-with or with out benefits-jobs-jobs-jobs!

The bottleneck in our economy is we have our heads burried in the bottle plugging progressing, basically we have our head stuck up our .....


  1. I agree Burgess, like Ive said before. This country is stuck on stupid sometimes when it comes to race. I think race is important for the history of where a person comes from. However in the present times it really shouldn't matter, afterall, we are all "Human", and we should treat eachother as such. The color of a persons skin or their background should NOT determine who they are, it's whats behind those eyes and in the head and heart. Call me a hippie but "Let there be Love and Peace".

  2. How can any one race say they are better than another race? This racism is nonsense. We should judge people by character, not color. We need not to fight another race, but to come together as one
