Wednesday, March 24, 2010

All aboard!

Mr. M&M himself ought to do what is right by this town if he wants to have a happy relationship with the Council by District which will be totally different that what you have now! Totally! As time looms, you will start to find Council members who want to fight for their jobs moving if all the Council members currently represent only two districts because they are all on the West side mainly-then that means all but one will have to move! No matte what side of town you live on Detroit needs to do something with the Train Depot.

They may be delaying this, but they are opening a can of Whoop ... on themselves by moving slow and keeping perks to boot, delivering less services but running up expenses!

That Train Depot could be developed into a multi-stage project that has the State and the Feds giving money to turn it into another Union Station in D.C. Using Green Technology; e.g., LED lighting, Solar Panels, a Wind Turbine or two, closing down the Amtrak on Woodward and moving it to SW Detroit.

Creating jobs in Detroit for Detroiters!

First the city Council needs to take the land from Mr. M&M!

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