Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How the Big Three can Compete even further!

It is unhead of its time to think in this manner-but then again-its overdue ... but what if the Big Three coalesced together and rallied against the Asian Tigers! That would be nation against nation-products versus products...sharing technology but also competing against the Asian Tigers for Continental manufacturing supremacy!

Now, I think this is the time for the US Auto companies to start stressing quality, customer service, and hiring Americans to answer customer service calls.

I read about an African American younglady who got a call center contract with a major fortune 500 firm last year or the year before. Thusly, the Big three can us American contracted labor to compete more efficiently. Quality is at home!

GM, Ford and Chrysler should stress better quality by hiring a younger, more educated work force at cheaper wages and retire more older employees who are not knowledge workers. They still will be Union but the cheaper wages will allow the firms to put more into the car's quality until the learning curve and can exceed the hourly wage once the wages go up!

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