Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bobb to close down 45 Schools in Detroit

Just how many buildings is he left with? If we have 100,000 students and only have 100 buildings then we have 1,000 students per buidling average. If you break that down further he may be limiting the capacity of the district too greatly-all at once.

He may need to go to smaller classes which will mean opening more buildings-retrofitting buidlings with green technology to save on operational risk (grants are available for government entities to retrofit buildings. We lost the race to the top because we are not demonstrating enough innovation and transformational change.

Reducing fixed costs will make the operation more efficient from an operational stand point-in addition to limiting the student body size of an elementary or middle school or highschool. HSs 600 students, MSs 800 students, and Elementary 500 students. This type of structure would greatly reduce the class size.

Bobb needs to add to his out of the box approach a strategic way to improve performance

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