Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Detroit 2008-2009 Budget Allocation w/Recommendation

2008-2009 Appropriation by City of Detroit Departments

Airport agency 10: in millions of $; # of employees; % of Budget

($5,554,765) 8 0.18%

Budget agency 12 ($2,850,987) 24 0.09%

BSE agency 13 ($35,761,155) 334 ...1.14%

CC agency 14
($19,299,980) 36 0.62%

Debt agency 18($77,007,286) 0 02.46%
PW agency 19 ($162,022,360) 730 05.18%

DDOT agency 20 ($183,968,594) 1,523 05.88%

DWD agency 21($58,427,320) 131 01.87%

En.Af. agency 22($4,702,313) 60 00.15%

Fin. agency 23
($41,111,963) 365 01.31%

Fire agency 24
($192,695,695) 1,535 06.16%
Health agency 25($89,265,218) 404 02.85%
HR agency 28
($25,235,395) 281 00.81%

Rights agency 29 ($1,378,633) 12 00.04%
HSrvcs agency 30 ($65,420,570) 139 02.09% 31
($24,853,470) 110 0.79%

Law agency 32
($22,723,896) 148 0.73%
Exec agency 33
($12,953,330) 106 0.41%
Parking agency 34($40,298,343) 118 01.29%
Non-D. agency 35
($462,096,011) 47 14.77%
Planning agency 36($56,149,226) 177 1.79%
Police agency 37
($458,665,876) 3,794 14.66%
Lighting agency 38($71,827,195) 218 2.30%
Rec. agency 39
($30,146,539) 194 0.96%
Water agency 41($348,375,330) 1,922 11.14%
Sewerage agency 42($432,555,618) 1,151 13.83%
Admi.Hrngs agency 45($2,207,840) 6 0.07% 46
($604,861) 5 0.02%
GS agency 47
($71,925,926) 643 2.30%
Auditor agency 50($3,836,118) 23 0.12%
Zoning agency 51($881,130) 6 0.03%
Council agency 52($16,134,403) 105 0.52%
Ombuds agent 53($1,524,904) 11 0.05%

36th Dis agency 60($44,191,898) 392 1.41%
City Clerk agency 70($3,857,582) 29 0.12%

Elections agency 71($9,667,725) 72 0.31%
DPL agency 72
($48,458,126) 467 1.55%

1 comment:

  1. Bing must can't read and understand how to do this so here's my Analysis of the Airport thru Detroit Public Library:

    1.) Airport: its not going to expand so close it down and save 6M and cut 8 employees!
    2.) En.Aff.: enough State and Federal regulatory authority close it down and save 5M and cut 60 employees
    3.) Merge Budget and Finance capture synergy
    4.) Merge DDOT and SMART eliminate 80M from the defiict instantly and transfer nearly 1,500 employees!... See More
    5.) Consolidate Reorganize HR make it SHRIS-eliminate HumRights and HumSrvcs...let the FIA office do their job! Save 66M and cut 150 employees
    6.) Exec. budget sliced to 6M save 7M and cut staff by 50%
    7.) Council budget sliced to 6M save 10M and cut staff by 50%
    8.) Lighting spinoff into an IPO generates $150,000,000.00
    mandate a Detroit Based Co.
    9.) Water spinoof into an IPO and generate 4billion and mandate Detroit based co.
    10.) Get more active in analyzing budgets, creating citzen think tanks liken to what happened regarding the Charter Commission-creating citizen panels to look at the Charter-likewise-citizens need to look at the budgets...

    My name is Burgess Foster. As you can see I am ready to lead in Lansing. Vote TEAM (T.rying to E.levate A.ll of M.ichigan) Burgess Foster for the Michigan House of Representatives for District 5 August 3rd 2010. Formerly, I was a candidate for Detroit City Council in 2009. As you can see I was ready then, and I am ready to lead now. The city needs to make deeper administrative cuts! If the city is in a hurt locker-then why hasn't Charles Pugh, Gary Brown, or Dave Bing called for a total complete Forensic Audit of all departments-yet, the State of Michigan says all departments in the city government overspent its budget last year. How can that be tolerated when we are asking the rank and file workers who don't need to be laid off, whose departments we must keep to give a concession when the city is being raided by its public managers via incompetence at worse and mismanagement at best!
