Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The foreign invasion of G-cars!

Chrysler and GM and Ford could learn from Tesla Motors the Italian company who makes the amazing fully electric car. This car gets 160 miles on a full charge. GM's hybrid version vehicle will only get 50miles. Europe and South America have been ahead of the U.S.A. in terms of Green Technology, e.g., Alternative Fuels a...nd Renewable Energy.

If the Clean Energy and Climate Bill folks have been asking Senators Levin and Stabenow to support to create "Made in America Jobs" by the millions then we have to start re-tooling the infrastructure.

I spoke with an enlightened citizen who said in Israel they have a station where a car can pull and exchange the dead or dying batter for a fully charged one in under 3 minutes-this all happens mechanically. You just pull over a pod, the wheel weight must actuate the process and you are in an out.

Another platform is to have Stations in Wal Mart , CostCo and Sam's clubs and mall parking lots where you can plug in, shop, and come back and viola-you're outta there.

Detroit, as I have said should be a proving ground for wet-labs dealing with bio-technology and Green Technology. We have WSU and U of D and the DMC and we have plent of capacity in under utilized warehouse spaces like the old Packard Plant part of the Russell St. Industrial Complex.

We need to make sure that those dollars at the federal level finds entrepreneurs in Detroit!

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