Monday, March 8, 2010


Mr. Bing had been told by the Brookings institute to rightsize government. The Mackinac Policy Institute has told Kwame and Kenneth to rightsize government. Yet, Bing has not eliminated one department by axing its budget-killing the department by not funding it or effectively laying off a unit indefinitely. He is stalling while money will be wasted on a light rail project, while the city seats by and allows the State Fair Grounds to be coverted into another park while the city is selling parks, Bing's Executive unit's budget is 12M and the Legislative unit's budget is 16M that's 28M of a 280M deficit!

If I were Wall Street I would clearly say to the State: if you put into place an Emergency Financial Manager at both the County and city I will forgive 25M in debt to each unit of government saving the taxpayers of Detroit and Wayne County 50M.

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