Wednesday, March 17, 2010

High Speed Rail in Detroit or Light Rail: We need speed

So, this proves the nation is listening to my voice on my blogs and my FB postings. Many readers read my posts weeks and months ago about the stupidity of the light rail project: I called it a People Mover that goes Straight. Folks in Michigan and Detroit know what I meant. It was a waste of money!

We needed to connect Detroit to Chicago by way of Lansing, Ann Arbor/Ypsi and possibly even Kalamazoo. Linking Eastern, Western, Michigan, MSU, and WSU driving technological research into the Detroit domain.

Kilpatrick has switched!

Hansen Clarke or Carolyn Kilpatrick should contact me for my polciy idea writing ability and my valuable insight into articulating a vision of various creative components that will drive producitivity in Detroit (Read my postings today and older posting and blogs to get a flavor of my salient notions).

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