Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Stripping the issue!

Charles Pugh's PR effort to hit the streets and so called ask the people what they think is an attempt to hype the horrible idea of allowing Strip Clubs to operate with shoddy licensure, condone VIP rooms where lewd sex acts take place, and where liquor induced sex feins start trouble outside that results in more policing that takes away policing from other areas. If the Hon. Council President wants to see what the people thinks about this lurid legislation that he is already in favor-including more homosexual establishment for those of the same sex variety as well as the hetero variety-he should ask the voters, the home owners. Start knocking on the doors along Outer Drive, University District, Palmer Woods, Rosdale Park, Conant Gardens, Boston Edison, etc. In other words: home owners who are likely voters. Asking non-voters what they think is a joke! And the punchline is Pugh is trying to be funny! And he really does not have to try hard.

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