Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trying to Elevate All of Michigan!

There very well may be a backlog of complaints with fewer officers on the beat and a city strained by senseless spending and poor management over a decade-now! But one cannot ignore the great work Warren Evans is doing by reading the numerous 'collars' being made! I was a victim of an armed robbery, they caught the guy... within in two-three weeks. He had been on a crime spree. Now he's doing 17 years in prison.
Citizens have to help solve a third of those crimes that are on so called cold case status-so to speak. But again, Warren Evans is doing a good job and this was the best decision Dave Bing ever made!

It is unfair to talk about a backlog of cases. It is a negative reinforcement for a positive Police Chief inheriting a department in shambles-federally speaking-whose crime lab had to be closed-and we wonder why there is a backlog of cases. But to Kym Worthy's credit she had to close the lab or have those cases that are pending to be overturned on appeal "ab nitio" implying the case was falty when it made it to the court because of the crime lab work!

What Detroit needs and this is another one of my IF (Idea Factory) productions: a federal grant for 160 million for four years. This would put 700-800 new officers on the streets.
I wanted to assign 175-200 per targeted closed down school. I called this my mini-school station programme. Two recently closed down elementary schools on the East side and two on the West side. Each building is already equipped with parking, offices, classroom, a cafeteria and gymnasium. Since it was recently closed it was in operable condition. No monies can be used for improvements to the building minus maintenance.

This will take four eye sores of an elephantine size and place officers in the 'hood' where schools are generally located. Every mini-school station could use monies to purchase new Green patrol cars that use alternative energy that can help drive the demand for the vehicles (fleet sales). Imagine an order for 400 new Green cars (about 8-10M) made in Detroit! For police stations nation wide.

We need to think out of the box!

My name is Burgess Foster. I am a candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives for District 5 this August 2010. I have a Master's of Science degree in Management. I have a BA degree Cum Laude in Goverment and History. Vote

TEAM (T.rying to E.levate A.ll of M.ichigan) Burgess Foster!

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