Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Business Leaders For Michigan:

1. During the past three fiscal years, Michigan has over-projected revenues and has twice failed to pass budgets by October 1, making it difficult for schools, local government, and others to plan tehir own budgets. Will you support measures to help provide more predictability to the budget process, including:

Multi-year [strategic] budgeting and long-term financial planning;
Forming an independent private/public economic forecasting council; and
Implementing a pay as you go policy to adopt no new program unless others are cut or revenues grow?

2. Michigan has gotten smaller and poorer in the last decade and cannot sustain its current size of government. Will you adjust State employee pay and benefits to bring them in line with national averages, reduce the State workforce, and transition all new teachers to a defined contribution plan?

I do not think hi-jacking pensions and making teachers pay higher contributions other than co-pays would be sanguine. Teachers are already underpaid. However I do agree that teachers could be ask to rise to higher standards academically to be licensed automatically, that student teaching could be exchanged for Substitute teaching and substitutes could be asked to have at least 60 credits at a B average or have a completed Associates degree with a B average. We need our best minds in front of the classroom.

3. Michigan's tax structure is unattractive to job providers. Will you support measures to make Michigan's business tax structure more competitive and one that reflects our changing economy by significantly reducing the Michigan business tax and reducing the sales tax extending it to services?

Yes, I support reducing the business tax to single digits from double digits which should signal that Michigan is business friendly.

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