Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Clark-Hill: The Great Debates

1. As Michigan continues to lead the nation in unemployment and job loss, what economic poicies should the State's political leaders embrace in order to turn Michigan around?

From what sector do you believe Michigan's new jobs will be created and what can State leaders do to help incentivize those businesses to invest in the State? I believe the economic policy that can help Michigan are encouraging local government to streamline their business licensing and inspection into a centralize online e-z step process, to encourage them to compete for the Malcolm Baldridge Prize for efficiency sponsored by the U.S. Government. I think the three sectors that will see amazing job growth is the fields of healthcare management (LTC facilities-the graying of America), Green Jobs (Renewable energy products and educational training), and the Wet-science in the fields of bio-technology.
2. Do you think Michigan's current tort laws are adequate to promote a strong business sector, if not, what reforms do you think are necessary?

I am not in agreement with limiting punitive damages so companies can continue to take shortcuts with minimal backlash.

3. Do you believe Michigan's business tax structure should be reformed and, if so, what system should replace it? For example, do you favor a broader tax liability that includes a sales tax extension to services?

Yes, the tax structure can be reformed, e.g., there should be an increase in the gas tax for roads and mass transit, the business tax should be cut to single digits, and Property taxes should be lowered across the State for every home owner and the new car tax as well to spur more home purchases and vehicle orders of new hybrids especially and credits given for retrofitting homes with LED lighting and renewable energy products to help drive the demand for the technologies.

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