Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce: The Great Debates

1. Do you support the elimination of the Michigan Business Tax and the Personal Property Tax?
No, just the reduction from double digits to single digits.

2. Do you support reducing public sector employee benefits to align them with private sector benefits?
No, I am not for hi-jacking benefits of public sector employees, but would agree to imposing higher co-pays.

3. Do you support legislation to encourage and enable local governments to consolidate and share services?
Yes, first the State of Michigan should set the example by mandating that the University System of the State be a one system-system likened to the University of Texas, University of California and University of North Caorlina systems. This will allow for the capture of synergies in the supply chain and thereby add value and equalize pay, e.g, if you are a full professor at U of M you will not be paid more than a full professor at MSU or WSU or EMU or CMU, etc.

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