Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MI. Assoc. Health Plans: The Great Debates

1.) Currently Medicaid represents nearly one in five Michigan citizens. With federal health care refrom, those numbers will increase to one in four. What approaches would you support to fund this increasing caseload? A cut-only approach will reduce provider rates and drive up costs to other payers. Are you willing to support other revenue to fund Medicaid, or do you think we should continue to cover health care for Medicaid through underfunding and uncompensated care (hidden taxes) that increase health insurance premiums?

Mandating an individual perform some type of community service for 48 hours per year would help earn a return on services rendered in a different way. In lieu of the community service one could pay 500.00 a thousand dollars as a type of goodwill tax. Also allowing companies to advertise in centers where medicaid dollars are being sent to generate revenues.

2.) Federal reform will result in the same obligations for all insurance carriers. Will you support insurance reform in Michigan that will amend the BCBSM legislation and Insurance Code to create the level playing field envisioned under the federal reform?


3.) Do you support an active State policy to implement federal reform in Michigan or, a policy through default to the federal government?

I support federal reform in Michigan.

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