Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The MI. Ed. Assoc.: The Great Debates

Key Questions

Specifically, how would you fix Michigan's antiquated tax structure and the failed school funding systems to ensure adequate, equitable, stable funding for public education?

See my MI Platform

What is your position on recent school reform efforts and what is the appropriate role for educators, parents, lawmakers and others in ensuring Michigan provides quality pulbic education for all?

I like the current reforms, again see my MI Platform on this important issue.
Do you oppose outsourcing schol employee jobs to private, for-profit companies?
No, non support services should be outsourced this speaks to the creative way to include business into service providing that is not core to the business operation of the government entity and partners businesses with Government for a market based approach.

Brandy Vaughn, Substitute Teacher; Associates of Arts; BA Candidate, Teacher Education: "First of all, parents have a responsibilty and a priority first to see that their children are educated and attending school like they should. Parents set the foundation for failure or success. It is up to them! The educators priority is to make sure and enforce the grade level expectations and continue to have high expectations for all of their students personally and professionally! The GPA requirement for a teacher should be a 2.75 or higher and likewise the standard for a substitute teacher should be a completed Associates or higher degree."

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